Dating Nobody Is Interested In Me

So the title is a bit exaggerated but I am having a bit of an issue. I am 31 years old, and have a 2 year old daughter. I have been using dating sites and I feel like there are no decent men that match with me, and I can’t help but think it’s because I have a young child. I’m honestly feeling really sad that I can’t seem to match with anyone that seems like a decent guy. Im just looking for a connection with someone, not anyone to play a father figure role, as I am capable of supporting and being a parent. I honestly miss the companionship, and although my daughter makes me feel very happy, in some ways I am still lonely. I don’t really know what else I can do other than go out and do things to meet others, but I have my daughter 100% or the time so it’s hard for me to even do that. I’m also not really the type to like going out to the bars etc. Is having a young child really a deal breaker for men?

Edit: Thank you all for your perspectives! I’d like to add a couple of things. I have full custody of my child so the ex is not an issue. When I say decent men, I mean them meeting my standards that I’d say are actually fair. Also, I paid for one of my apps hoping to find matches, but find it’s mostly older men, significantly older than me (over 45) and I honestly feel like they’re just too old for my liking. I have been trying to give that a chance, but I haven’t matched with anyone that meet my standards. My standards are not crazy high, but I do have a daughter so I’m obviously being more careful. I do believe that my choices are more limited when trying to match with guys my age seeing as a lot of them may not have children themselves. I am attracted to men closer to my age so it’s just a bit more difficult.


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I (25M) am struggling with the ethicallity of dating despite not wanting a relationship.

Dating Nobody Is Interested In Me Full

I've been in 3 serious relationships over the last 6 years, with the most recent one ending 18 months ago. Each ended rather spectacularly, and each provided their emotional baggage. The most recent one ended because l was dishonest and hurt both myself and my SO.

Time has passed and I'm pretty much over my ex but still have a lot of growth to do and projects to undertake, which I want to be alone for so that I can throw myself headlong into it. Despite absolutely not wanting a relationship (as it feels to soon and at the wrong time) I think it might be good to start dating again, just to finally fully move on from my ex. I am however worried about entering the dating scene and hurting people due to getting their hopes up / leading along.

Dating Nobody Is Interested In Me Youtube

A girl gave me her number at work today and I'm considering texting her, as she seemed cool. I don't want her to get the wrong idea and I'm also not sure what it is I want, I only know what it is I don't want .

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