Lost Interest In Dating Site:www.reddit.com
- Lost Interest In Dating Site:www.reddit.com Search
- Lost All Interest In Dating
- I'm Not Interested In Relationships
- Lost Interest In Dating Site:www.reddit.com Full

So this has been a huge issue in my life. I'm 21, and have extreme social anxiety. I've been using Tinder, OKCupid, and all the other dating apps. I got lucky meeting my (now EX) GF from Tinder. Her profile said she liked weed and photography (big paragraph) and I made a joke saying it was an interesting combo. And basically we both carried the conversation... met up.. then boom dating for 2 months then she got distant and lost feelings apparently. I kept my distance, worked on my career, but was always there for her, bought her candies occasionally.. (she has bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety) I always helped her out in her rough patches, now she's the one feeling bad for me saying she's always there for me to talk to after breaking up with me.
I’ve lost all interest in continuing to try and date. The woman I went on a date with before last said that it would be weird if I didn’t have any relationship experience by 30, well I’m throwing in the towel a few years early. Good luck to everyone else, my dog and I are rooting for you. I even captured the interest of two different women a few months ago, one of whom even gave me a second date (but sadly one lost interest in me, and I lost interest in the other). But now I'm trying to get back into the dating game. I'm struggling to find out what to say on these dating apps when I send women intros.
But in any case, I've been TRYING to talk to a variety of girls on Tinder, and these other apps. I've been told I'm attractive/hot by girls my age (I never asked them.. they would just randomly tell me). Yet when I make an effort to make a joke about their profile, or start a conversation. I don't make generic 'hellos' as first messages. Some girls I would suggest to go on a date, they'd agree and have a smile emoji, then basically she'd stop responding after continuing the convo.

I don't think I know how to talk to women at all. I always feel left out. Any real suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?

Please state whether you're a man / woman / NB person when replying, as I feel like this might affect the reply.
Lost Interest In Dating Site:www.reddit.com Search
The question is basically 'do you want the women you date to put on make up? Would you for example prefer them to wear make up on the first date, but maybe not on all dates? Or maybe the other way around? Do you feel more attracted to a girl if she has make up on?'

Lost All Interest In Dating
Obviously your partner is an individual with freedom to do whatever they choose, I'm asking about preference and not 'would you tell your partner to not wear make up?'
I'm Not Interested In Relationships
And please don't reply to this if you're the kind of person who looks at a natural make up look and thinks that the person is not wearing any make up.