Names Of Dating Site In Dubia
- Names Of Dating Site In Dubai 2019
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- Names Of Dating Site In Dubai 2020
The first thing that Dubai brings to mind is luxury and wealth, an oasis in the desert, not necessarily romance scams and investment fraud. Everyone pictures Dubai as a city that only a few can afford, however Dubai is also home to an increasing amount of romance scammers. Many immigrants lacking formal education and training in Dubai and the UAE have been struggling to survive with the high cost of living, and as a result, have turned to illegal operations to make ends meet.
The UAE’s economy is the largest consumer market in the Middle East and it is expected to be the fastest growing economy in the region in 2019. Its natural resources, mainly oil and gas, along with services, made it one of the world’s richest countries, with a very high-average income.
Contrary to the trends in other high risk countries for fraud (which are mostly developing countries with low income rates), the UAE is one of the higher risk developed countries for fraud.
One of the reasons this happens is that the UAE is also the most densely migrant-populated country in the world, home to more than 8 million migrant workers coming mainly from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt and the Philippines (all countries with high rates of corruption and fraud). Most of the migrants are in the bottom of the employment pyramid working in low income jobs like domestic staff or construction, with wages that can be between $200 USD and $400 USD per month. Many of them have taken loans in their home countries to be granted a visa. It is not uncommon to find those who find an extra-income in the internet fraud industry, mainly romance and dating scams.
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Online romance scams have been triggered by the reputation of Dubai and Abu Dhabi of being two of the richest global cities and business hubs. In such environment, it is easy for online criminals who assume false identities and make up stories of wealthy and successful business people. This attracts the potential victims on social media and online dating, where the scam begins. Victims think they are safe when dealing with a U.S. or U.K. business person traveling or working in Dubai, for example, because the UAE is not known for fraud or scams compared to other high risk countries.
Watch out for UAE romance scammers
As we all know, not everyone using online dating sites is looking for love. Scammers create fake online profiles using photos of other real people and make up life stories. They choose a name, a career, an CV or employment, and many other details that can add value to their fake persona. Then, they begin their hunt for a victim using dating apps and websites and social media networks.
Local private investigators in the UAE say most romance scammers profess their love quickly, but others take their time to develop trust. The first red flag to be aware of is the fact that the person you are communicating with is from the UAE, or claims to be currently located in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. Another important thing to watch out for is money requests to help them get out of financial trouble, or requests to receive and cash checks. As losing money wasn’t bad enough, romance scammers are now involving their victims in online bank fraud as well, so anything involving receiving or sending money is a major red flag. Other criminals never ask for money, but instead slowly obtain your personal data and passwords to steal your identity or blackmail you, leaving victims devastated.
How to stay safe online
If you meet someone from the UAE or claiming to be doing business in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, hire a reputable private investigation to conduct a dating background check investigation as soon as possible! The best way to avoid being a victim is to know the truth from the start, and a dating background check investigation can provide evidence to verify if you are communicating with a real person or a criminal. Don’t wait until it is too late! It is better to have the evidence sooner than later.
Wymoo® has highly trained professional investigators on the ground in over 100 countries, including Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Let us verify the company or individual you’re dealing with and uncover the facts and evidence for you. Be safe, get a free investigation quote today!
C. Wright
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Dating scams have existed formany years, and with the growing popularity of online dating in today’s world,this gives dating scammers the perfect environment to groom their victims.There are numerous dating scams out there, but today we are going to go over afew popular ones that very often happen within Dubai.

The most common scam we found that occurs in Dubai is the Romance Scam. Let’s go over a few important things to look for and what you can do to prevent this from happening to you.
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Dubai Dating Scams:Typical Scam Formats
The Dubai Romance Scam
Initial Contact
Romance scams are a widely used tactic across the globe; and Dubai is no exception. In the beginning of the scheme, you will be contacted by the scammer, usually on a dating website or some sort of social media platform. Aside from him living in Dubai, nothing will seem unordinary at the time when you begin.
Make sure to check out our reviews of the best Dubai dating sites that are as scam-free as possible.
Falling in Love AtWarp Speed
After you both have chatted foraround a week, you will notice that this person begins mentioning that he hasfallen in love with you; and that it is “destiny” that the two of you meet.This is a tactic used to bring your guard down.
A Sudden Emergency
Eventually, though, he willnotice that his tactics have worked enough and will feel comfortable to beginthe real scamming process. He will mention something like his horses needimmediate medical care, a business that needs an investment to open, or simplya random emergency that’s normally time-sensitive, such as life saving surgeryfor a family member.
Money Sent
Since the scammer has createdthis false romance and the victim is nothing less than in love, the victimproceeds to send the money without hesitation. If he plays his cards right, thevictim will continue being scammed for months or maybe even years.
Scam Completed
Once the victim has built upenough courage to admit she may need to look into this person further andcontact authorities, she will receive the unfortunate news that she has fallenvictim to a romance scam; and that it is unlikely to see any of the money shehas sent this scammer ever again.
The Fraudster
Initial Contact
This scam takes a turn and the scammer may not actually take your money, but give it to you. Let’s explain. This scam will begin like most others — being contacted online within a dating site or a social media platform.
Falling in Lovequickly
They will pull the usual card and begin quickly falling in love with you after a week of two. In a typical scam, this is where the scammer will start to ask you to send him money. With this particular scam, however, it’s a bit of a different process.
A terrible accident
The scammer will mention that they have had some sort of settlement due to an accident, such as a car wreck, and will explain that they would like you to create a savings account in your name so that he can place his settlement inside. As a so-called return favor, he will allow you to use some of the money.
This however is not what itseems, as he is only wanting to place the money in your account so that he cansend it elsewhere. This is a typical money mule scam used to clean stolen moneyfor the scammer, using you as the middleman. He will proceed to ask you to sendit elsewhere, or at least most of it. This is simply to put more checkpointsin-between the scammer and the original location of the money; look at it asallowing the scammer to be less traceable.
Preventing Dubai Dating Scams
Social Media
A weak point that scammers too often forget to strengthen is their social media profiles. Social media is a fantastic way to help you determine an online romance honesty. Start by looking at the friend count; if it’s low, this is not a good sign, especially if their page likes and overall engagement is low — like comments and likes. Make sure you look for any other relationships this person may have had previously in the recent past, as this could give you a helpful clue.
Google Reverse Image Search
This option is best used whenthey are hiding their identity. Google reverse image search allows you tosimply upload a photo to Google, which will then proceed to search billions ofwebsites for the photo. When the results are available, make sure there isn’tmore than one name connected to the photo. If there is, this is very likely astolen photo. Contrary to that, if you only see one name attached to the photo,this is a great sign.
Video Call
Names Of Dating Site In Dubai 2019
Undoubtedly a great option totake advantage of, video calling can almost immediately help you determinetheir legitimacy. Video calling can not only allow you to verify their identityto ensure it matches their profile, but also allow you to watch their live responses— such as scripts. When you request a video call, pay attention to theirresponse. If they say no, specifically more than on one occasion on separatedays, this is not a good sign and may be something to be wary of.
Important Things ToRemember
Don’t Give PersonalInformation
It should go without saying that sending anyone online your personal information is absolutely off-limits. This is sometimes overlooked, though, as scammers are very deceptive and know exactly what to say to gain your trust. When asked, block them and report them to the authorities. Following through and sending them this information can lead to many legal problems — such as bankruptcy issues, identity theft, and even jail time.
Falling in Love TooQuickly
This is the case with almostevery romance scammer. They typically announce their unmatchable love for youwithin two weeks. While it’s a nice feeling for someone to be in love withyou — do not let them deceiveyou. This is a widely used tactic and allows them to bring your guard downquickly to follow through with the scam. Keywords such as “I loveyou” or “My love” should be taken as a warning if receivedwithin a week, especially if this person is not local. A genuine love almostnever happens this fast.
Honest People Don’tAsk For Money
The majority of the time, whenasked for money online — specifically from an online romance, take this as awarning. Throughout my research, I have yet to see a single case of thisphenomena ending on a positive note. The potential risks that you can encounterwhen sending money online has a much larger and negative outcome than simplydenying their request for money.
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This scam began with the Dubaiscammer contacting the victim on a dating website, leading to the typical quickkeyword “I love you.” Early on, nothing seemed unordinary. The ladythought the man was innocent and was simply looking for a relationship in a bitof an odd situation. After some time of reeling his victim in, he began callingher to ask her for money.
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He would even create fake loan documents in order to prove to her that this was legitimate. She proceeded to wire money over to this person. Unfortunately for the victim, she continued this for a period of three months, sending over $500,000 to the scammer. That went on until her bank alerted her that she may be a victim of a scam. This should go with saying that sending money to someone whom you don’t trust is absolutely not worth it. Many scammers use scripts that have been refined over many years by many people, and they can sometimes be extremely effective. When asked for money from someone you don’t know very well on the internet, block this person immediately; it is not worth the potential disaster scenario. To read more about this scam and others like it, click here.