No Interest In Dating

I don't know what is wrong with me, ever since I left university, I have had no interest in women at all. I don't get the urge to talk to women and when I do, I end up making excuses as to why I take ages to reply. I've had a couple of shitty relationships but I don't think that is the reason. I am also not gay in the slightest so not that either. I can't explain it at all, I just get really bored of talking to girls. I don't even really think about sex that much. Last night I made up some bullshit to some girl I was supposed to meet and ended up letting her down. I ended up masturbating and telling her I was going asleep lol. She has been texting me all day to ask if I am okay and I can't even be bothered to reply. She is a nice girl that I have known for ages and is easily an 8 or 9 but I just don't seem to have any interest in her or anyone else. Only when I'm shit faced lol.
I just have no interest in them at the moment. I might end up getting my T tested, although I doubt I have low T because I can still easily build muscle, have lots of energy, etc. Basically the only symptom of low T I have is lack of dating interest. I don't know what is wrong with me, ever since I left university, I have had no interest in women at all. I don't get the urge to talk to women and when I do, I end up making excuses as to why I take ages to reply. I've had a couple of shitty relationships but I don't think that is the reason. I am also not gay in the slightest so not that either. I also have no interest in dating to clarify. R/teenagers is the biggest community forum run by teenagers for teenagers.
Last week I even stood a girl up at the cinema because I said some family issues come up (lie). All that goes through my head is, 'I can't be bothered to entertain you'
I used to be a known local music artist when I was younger (not now) and got a lot of attention (not now). I've loved one girl that ended badly. I never had to do much chasing when I was younger or at university. I hate the chase, It bores me. I think I am also very much of a mans man. I also like a really unique type of music and it doesn't appeal to many girls from my area. I can't bring myself to talk about bullshit that I don't care about. I won't sit there and talk about soaps or celebrities. I'm not that kind of person. Now it seems that every girl I talk to end up boring me. No matter what they are like, I know it's a bad problem but I don't know how to fix it. I think I must have some kind of mental health issue and I have come to accept that. All of my friends are getting married and having kids and I feel like I need to do the same and settle down but I really do not have the desire to. I sometimes meet a girl I know for sex but to be honest, I don't have sex with her to cure sexual frustration. It's more so my friends don't think I've ended up being a sad lonely guy, which is te reality lol. I think I am very image aware but even then, there is no desire to be with anyone else. Does anyone have a similar problem or am I alone in this? No Interest In Dating Videos